Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday's Rabbit Island Update

Here is yesterday's Rabbit Island update:

Here's a report of the seals I saw yesterday, 9/15/2024, at Rabbit Island. 
Yesterday, I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from about 11:20 am to 1 pm. It was somewhat overcast with moderate winds.

There were three HMS seen on RI during my viewing session.

Way out on the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB was weaner RT19. He was ID'd by his weaner size and shape, his light male belly and his two red tags (I actually only saw one of his tags.

On the back Lanikai side of LPB was chubby weaner RT90 Manapua/Kaiolohia. Soon after I saw him I noticed that there was a drone near him to which he did respond. He was Id'd by his chubby weaner size, light male belly and two red tags.

About 30 feet Makapuu of the 1BS was what I think is fully molted R416 Makali'i; new coat, light male belly, some ventral scars and no tags. I did not see it in real time, but when I reviewed my photos, I saw that the drone had also been near him.

I did look back toward shore, but did not see who was operating the drone.  Drones are not allowed within 500 feet of a state wildlife refuge.

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