Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 ro 1:50 pm and there five seals seen during that time.
Starting out alone on the middle of LPB was chubby weaner RT90 Manapua: large weaner size, lighr male belly and two red tags.
On the 1BS side of LPB were two seals:
Unknown Adult: adult size, new coat, unsure about sex or tags.
Adult Male: adult size, old coat, tan male belly, unsure about tags.
About 30 feet Makapuu of 1BS was weaner RT19: regular weaner size.
At about 12:24 pm, the AM entered the water and seemed to hope the UA would follow him. The AM
moved briefly in the Makapuu where he attracted the attention of RT19 who entered the water to join him. Then they moved in the Lanikai direction where they were seen offshore of the UA. Marilyn lost sight of RT19 and the UA entered the water and disappeared with the AM.
At 12:34 pm, R416 hauled out to RT90. R416 appears to be about 60% molted, not a lot different than yesterday. Then at 12:41 pm, RT19 hauled out on the Lanikai side of LPB. R418 galumphed over to meet him and then they both moved up in the Makapuu direction of RT90. They all went into snooze mode.

Team R&B's first find of the day was Miss Kala RH76. She was alone resting in her zen spot. 
When they checked back mid-morning she was gone. They're not sure why she left, but earlier there was a homeless woman who was close by. Hopefully Kala left on her own.

Once again they saw seals foraging in a school of fish.  The green seal had red tags and they noted a scar on its neck, which would make this RL20 Kalua.
The other seal was R3CX Nalu with his signature bleach mark on his face. They were able to see one was an Adult Female, not sure about tags. The akule boat arrived to check out the big school of fish

Next stop at Makaha, upon arrival they saw a seal on shore. The waves got to them as they approached the area, thankfully the camera is fine, their shoes not so good. There was RL42 Leia alone snoozing in the hot sun.
They were just about to leave the area when they noticed a head bobbing up and down. The seal was coming around the corner to where RL42 was resting. It was none other than RH32 Kaale. He was so excited finding RL42, but she wasn't happy with his sudden appearance.  They argued, then she gave it to him, Kaale rolled all the way down to the water and left. He headed off to Makaha beach and moved on.

From there they headed off to yoks where they found a big male, no tags and looking very green. They could not see any identifiable scars or markings to ID him. So he is reported as an unknown adult male. He might be the same male they saw yesterday.

Last stop and last find of the day was RM31 Kai. He was alone resting on the rocks. 

Rabbit Island
Unknown Female
RH32 & RL42
Unknown Male

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