Saturday, September 21, 2024

September 21, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 3:00 pm and there were two seals seen during that time.
About 30 feet Makapuu of the 1BS was R416 Makali'i: sub-adult size, new coat, light gray male belly with distinctive scars and dark patches, no tags. He appears to be getting thinner. He finished molting some time ago, so Marilyn keeps expecting him to leave soon.
At 1:33 pm, Marilyn became aware that a seal had hauled out of SRI. She labeled it as an Adult Female: smaller adult size, medium gray
female belly, scar on ventral neck area and at least one and probably two red tags. She looks robust and seemed to be antsy in that she kept moving around.
Marilyn did not see either of the weaners today.

Team R&B started their day at the bay. Initially they looked around and didn't see any seals, but did watch the dolphins and waited. Just at they were going to give up, TaDa.... two seals were surprisingly up on the rocks. They weren't sure how they missed that but needless to say happy to see them
It was Kala RH76 and Kalua RL20. They argued a little until RL20 dove into the shallow pond and stayed giving Kala some space, but still keeping an eye on her.

Next stop they stopped at the cliffs. There they found Miss Leia RL42. She was on the list to be bleaches yesterday but she was a no show.  LOL but she was there today.  

Their last find today was at Kahe. There was a seal on the rocks that took some time to ID. They really checked on this male, no tags, and then the aha moment spotting a scar on his head and ding on his back. It's R617 and he might be getting ready to molt.

Rabbit Island
RL20 & RH76

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