Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find this morning was the lovely Miss Kala on the rocks. She was alone resting and molting away. Fur on her head, flippers and belly has peeled off.

Team R&B got to see the Hokuleia come into the bay today. They been following her since 1976 when the took their kids to see her at Magic Island. To add to this chicken skin moment a Iwa Bird flew over the Hokuleia several times, then flew over them while they were with Kala.
Then they heard the boat operator announce A Monk Seal people! Team R&B looked and saw it briefly in the water to far to ID, other than it was green.

When they made their way back for a re-check at the bay they saw that RH32 Kaale had joined Kale RH76. He is huge, getting some good grinds out there in the schools of fish.

Heading over to Makaha they spotted a seal. There was Miss Leia RL42 alone resting onshore. She is 100% molted and looking like she needs to put on a few pounds. There were people out and about but Miss Leia was fine.

And last stop to the bay they went looking to see if any more seals had arrived. As luck would have it there was one rolling in the shallows in front.
They could see the seal had red tags and very green, but then it left before they could make an ID.
Team R&B ran to the other end and there was the seal, who was RL20 Kalua hauling up on the rocks.
Kaale RH32 heard the flapping and flopping and he headed straight towards RL20. RL20's eye got really big, Kaale greeted him with lots of whooping. And much to their surprise Kaale took off passing RL20 and left the area. Meanwhile Kala RH76 just watched.

RH32 & RH76
RL20 & RH32

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