Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn had the opportunity to spend some time with Right Spot R016 today on a beach on the east side. She was on site from 9:45 am to 12:10 pm.
The first hour or so Right Spot was lolling in a tide pool on her back. Then she rolled over and Marilyn thought she might leave, but she did some rollovers and then moved back to her original tide pool. Eventually hauled up on the rocks.
Right Spot was ID'd by the nb on her right side, old coat, mid ventral scar and female belly. It was good to see her looking healthy after she suffered a major wound earlier in the year.

Team R&B first find was Kala RH76 high up on the beach. She continues her molt and appears to be just fine.
Their afternoon check she moved to the shallow pond and showed her other side and they could see the progression of her molt.

While at pokai, they spotted three adult seals foraging in the water. Two of the three had a lot of green on their coats and the other had a clean coat. Both greenish seals had red tags, but they weren't sure about the clean coat one.
They waited and watched for three hours, hoping they would land or give them something for an ID.
They even went back later in the day but none of them had hauled out.

Along with the foraging trio Team R&B did get to see the dolphins at play.

Unknown Seals Foraging

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