Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 1:50 pm and there were three seals seen during that time.
At the back Lanikai side of LPB was chubby weaner RT90 Manapua. He was ID'd by his large size, two  red tags and light tan male belly.
On LPB was R416 Makali'i: sub-adult to adult size, molting, new light male belly with distinctive scars and dark patches and no tags.
About 30 feet in the Makapuu direction from R416 was an Unknown Sub-adult: large juvenile or sub-adult size, light ventral but unsure of its sex, and two red tags. This might be weaner RT19, but the seal seemed too long and lean to be him.

Team R&B started their day at the bay. They found RH32 Kaale galumphing up on the rocks, looking around for Kala. He gave up after moving about 100 feet. He settled and just laid there.
While still onsite they spotted a seal flying by, then it turned and hauled up between the rocks. It was Miss Kala RH76. She was hiding from the boys, smart girl. She chose a different spot to hide and laid low.

All week Team R&B has been reporting seals foraging off shore. One being a clean coat female seen daily. Well this morning, there on the rocks was the lovely Lei Ola RH48. She is fat, after all that foraging and has a beautiful new clean coat.
They went to recheck on Kaale RH32, came back to Lei Ola and to their surprise she entered the water and swam off. They were happy to have solved the mystery of the clean coat seal they been seeing all week.
They may have solved the mystery of one seal but they did see
another seal from afar foraging in the school of fish. This appears to be the seal with a lot of green on its coat.

They checked all the usual spots looking for more seals. Finally stopping at the cliffs they found Kai RM31. He was alone on the rocks resting. No seal buddies today.

They headed back to Pokai for a recheck. They were surprised to see Kala RH76 alone snoozing on a sandy patch.
Then over to the other side was Kaale RH32 with Lei Ola RH48. They were bummed they weren't there when the two met up. Lei Ola is huge, well fat from chowing down. Kaale seemed content to be with his new girl.

Lastly while onsite they watched as the Hokulea left. The men collected the ramp, rope and buoys from the area. Safe travels.

Rabbit Island
Unknown with greenish coat
afternoon check on RH76
RH32 & RH48

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