Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September 24, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:35 pm and there were three seals seen during that time. Initially alone on LPB was an Adult Female: adult size, newer coat, light gray female belly and two red tags. She appears to have some jagged marks mid-ventral and a line scar on her left lower chin.
At 2:11 pm, Marilyn noticed that an Unknown Sub-adult had hauled out next to the A/F. The U/S was large juvenile to small subadult size, two red tags and light sand-covered ventral. 
Between 3BS and SRI was an Adult Male: small adult size, old coat, golden brown male belly and two red tags. He appeard to have a scar on his right lower chin.

It took Team R&B a long time before they spotted any seals. The waves were huge covering the area. Finally they spotted a few seals foraging. 
First seals they were able to ID were RH48 Lei Ola and R3CX Nalu. They were in the school of fish getting their fill. Then they headed off in the direction of the rest-camp.
Then they saw RH76 Kala coming in with R3CX, but then  lost sight of them They kept checking everywhere to see if they hauled out. Finally they spotted Kala hiding in a small pond, looks like she ditched Nalu. She is looking beautiful with her shiny coat in the sunlight.
After checking other areas they returned to do a recheck on Kala RH76. She was still in the same spot resting comfortably.
Team R&B did see a small pod of dolphins late in the day. They noted that one of them had a lure wrapped around its fin.

They ended their day at the cliffs where a group of boys were heading over to an area. So they hurried over to see a seal and the waves knocking it off the rocks. They saw its tag P30 and were thrilled to see RP30 Puka back. It's been a while since they have seen him.
He rolled about wave after wave rolling him. That was it, he left and they lost sight of him.
From afar they spotted a large turtle onshore at Makaha.

Rabbit Island
Foraging R3CX

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