Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B started their day at the bay where they found Miss Lei Ola RH48. She was alone on the rocks. 
Just before leaving the area a cop approached them and asked what they were looking for. They replied looking for seals and pointed out Lei Ola. He asked if they were with NOAA or the Marine Animal Team? They said no, then the cop asked if there were any problems. So Team R&B filled him in on the last couple of incidents they observed. The cop took down their information.

They did their best to scan the area for seals. By luck they spotted a green adult seal foraging in a school of fish. Shortly after the seal came in to where Lei Ola was resting. She didn't hear the seal at all, who turned out to be R3CX Nalu. He began getting closer, sniffed her out, then she awoke. She
responded by giving him a roundhouse flipper kick. He tried to get closer but she did it again, so Nalu left.

Lastly they ended their day not with a seal but a plover which comes to the area. He was standing as if he was posing on a small rock.

R3CX approached Lei Ola

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