Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Team R&B started their day at the bay where they found the lovely Miss Kala RH76. She was alone up at the coral rubble and then moved over to her zen spot.  She appears to be about 75% molted.  
On their afternoon check she was gone.

Once again while on site they saw a couple of seals foraging and fighting. It was too difficult to make an ID. One had a lot of green on its coat with two red tags. The other seal was an adult female with a clean coat.

Next they headed over to Makaha where they saw a seal, who they ID'd as RL42 Leia. She was alone up on shore. The tide was high and made it difficult for them to get over to the site. They did their best to get a few shots in between the sets.

While checking out the area they saw a seal on shore. They not quite sure the exact name of the beach, it was near a homeless camp. The seal was alone and they determined it was an adult male.

Lastly they found another seal tucked in the rocks at the cliffs. It was RM31 Kai resting peacefully and looking quite handsome.
Also they were entertained by the dolphins playing as usual.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island 12:25 to 2:00 pm and there were three seals seen during that time. Initially there was one seal on island, then the two weaners arrived separately. 
Molting R4q6 Makali'i was on the Lanikai side LPB when Marilyn started viewing: adult size, new male belly, about 55% molted including the ventral side, the head and part way up the sides.
About 12:44 pm, weaner RT19 hauled out at the back side of LPB and moved up to R416 and then up onto rocks at the back of the beach. He was covered with sand, but you could see his two red tags and Marilyn saw his male belly.
At 1:23 pm, chubby weaner RT90 Manapua hauled out near the other seals. R416 was not happy and charged RT90, then he returned up the beach. RT90 was ID'd by his large weaner size, two red tags and light male belly.
R416 kept challenging each of the weaners and ultimately all three seals ended up on the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB. I gave up trying
to get photos there because the large waves were braking in front of them. Then they all seemed to enter the water and Marilyn lost sight of them.

On Marilyn's way home she spotted a seal on the beach, so she pulled over to check. There was R016 Right Spot was alone looking good and resting peacefully.

Unknown Foraging
Unknown Female
Unknown Male
Rabbit Island

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