Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and there were three seals seen during that time,  although when Marilyn started viewing there weren't any seals.
At 1:27 pm, R416 Makali'i hauled out on LPB alone. He was ID'd by his sub-adult to adult size, old coat, mottled male belly, no tags and applied N10 bleach.
About 2:07 pm, two seal hauled out from the Lanikai rock flats.
Juvenile Female: larger juvenile size, new coat light female belly and two red tags.
Weaner RT19: weaner size and shape, two red tags and light male belly.
R416 challenged RT10 several times and the weaner re-entered the water, but later hauled out again. They all settled in and went into snooze mode.

Team R&B had a slow seal day. When they arrived at Pokai they looked for Kala and at first did not see her. Thankfully a friend of theirs told them he had a surprise for them, and he point out RH76 Kala.
They were happy and relieved to see her laying in a tiny pond
sleeping. Her molt is moving along, her chest opened up, and more peeling off at the belly.
This weekend could be busy with the Hokuleia coming in, which will draw big crowds. Let's hope Miss Kala finds a good hidden spot and people leave her alone.

They did see a couple of adoring fans too close for their photo opt.

Rabbit Island

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