Monday, August 7, 2023

August 6th (cont) Update from Team R&B

 My apologies for the late post.

Team R&B hit the jack pot with six seals on Sunday.

They found Kala RH76 and RL70 Leina at the bay. They were both high up in the grassy area looking like they spent the night.  Looks like RL70 has started her molt.

Next they found a new kid on the block. There was a seal with three tags so they were thinking RW02. But a look at the tag showed A28/K10???  They did not recognize this tag at all, and it had a

broken 3rd tag.  Waiting for NOAA to make the call who this new kid is.

Lastly at another location there were three seals. RM31 Kai, R3CX Nalu and R416 Makalii.  There were some white terns to keep them amused.



Melina said...

Visitor seal from Laysan island has tags 1K0/A68, i.d. name is TA68. He was nice enough to show his tags and scars upon his first known sighting in main Hawaiian islands, in Waianae.

Melina said...

Visitor male seal from Laysan island has tags 1K0/A68 and i.d. per NOAA is TA68. First known sighting in main islands on Sunday in Waianae. He was nice enough to show scars and 2.5 tags.