Monday, March 6, 2023

March 6 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:45 to 2:24 and there were two seals seen during her observation.
Having said that there were two other seals seen in the water off LPB but they hauled out.
Initially up in the dunes of 3BS was Adult Female 1: adult size, light female belly, unsure about tags. She moved down from the dunes to the waterfront.
On waterfront rocks not far from SRI was Adult Female 2: large adult size, light grayish-green female belly, and unsure about tags.
Even with flipper flexes of both seals it was unclear if there were tags.

Team R&B started their day finding a little seal alone in the seal inlet at a west side location. It was Puka RP30 taking a snooze among the crabs.
They took a walk around and was surprised to see R3CX Nalu on the rocks, to the right of water front rocks. He looks huge and his body is in good condition.
They heard some seal vocals and splashing and was shocked to find RL08 arguing in the water with RH76 Kala in the small cove. She was doing her best to get away from him, as she caught a wave that pulled her up were Nalu was. He woke up and turned to face Kala, she then moved over to his right and all was calm.
Meanwhile RL08 was frantically looking for Kala rushing around looking for her. His mouth was wide open looking for her, until he finally took off.

After an appointment they had they went over to guard rails and looked around. They spotted a seal hauling up on the rocks. They were happy to see R604, just too bad it wasn't a better location.

Heading back to their first stop from earlier they did find RL08. He was already up on high rocks alone. He seemed really tuckered out but doing just fine and was quiet.
On their travels today they saw a pod of whales with lots of spouts, splashing and head lunges. At times it looks like they were on top of each other. 

Last seal they spotted today was hauled out on the rocks at the bay. At first they could only make out the "0" on the tag thinking maybe RL20 but the markers weren't right. Then the seal flexed and it was Leina RL70.  
There were some folks paying respects to a loved one, with a little boy calling out to RL70. Thankfully the adults quieted him down and RL70 settled in to stay.

Rabbit Island
RL08 & RH76
RH76 & R3CX

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