Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B started their day at a west side location and as soon as they arrived they saw movement. There was a small seal hauling up. It was cute little fella RP30 Puka and he was in a hurry. As they watched they saw there was another seal, it was RH76 Kala snug in the rocks.

They headed over to paradise cove to check the area. On the rocks was RG28 Lefty he was alone.
There were two signs up near the sand area and of course lots of people around.  They also caught sight of a turtle snoozing on the rocks to the right.

Their next stop was secrets, when they arrived was immediately aware of all the folks on shore. There was a zone set up but people were walking past all the signs. The seal to the left on the rocks was R407 Kawika.
Another seal was on the Waianae side of the rocks, with people close up taking pictures of RL08. Team R&B asked them to move back and let the seals rest.
Team R&B spotted another seal coming in. It was RN14 Kalani heading to the side of Kawika.
They called the hotline let them know signs were up and people were walking everywhere. Volunteer had been there but went to check on Lefty. Team R&B stayed from 11:30 to 1:30 and called hotline to let them know volunteer hadn't returned and they were heading out.

Their last find of the day was R3CX Nalu. They were surprised to find him alone on the rocks. He was in the same spot RL42 was yesterday, but not today. He was probably looking for her.

resting honu

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