Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy, Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Tammy hiked out to Ka'ena point with Lesley today.  They had a three seal day, all "kids" no adults. 
Their first find was a newly hauled out RL98 at her favorite beach.
Next they found RL74 Kami was at hidden beach.  Their last find was RM31 on the outer reefs at the point. 
The highlight of the day were the whales and dolphins. They sat and watched a mom, calf and escort play with a pod of spinner dolphins.  In the photo of the calf, to the immediate left is a spinner dolphin. Also there was a lot of fin slaps, tail slaps and breaches.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 2:00 and there were three seals on island today.
On the rock flats on LPB was an Unknown Adult: adult size, older coat, yellowish tan ventral side (possibly female) and not sure about tags. The seal moved into a tide pool and did not show much more.
Among the waterfront rocks between 3BS and SRI was an Unknown Unknown: probably subadult size, unknown gender or tags. The seal hardly moved.
Once again under the ledge of RRB was a Subadult Male: larger juvenile to small adult size, cream colored male belly, no visible tags and a NB on the tip of the RFF.  NOAA thought this "might" be R606 who has been seen on both Oahu and Kauai, but can not confirm at this time.

Team R&B's first find was at paradise cove. When they arrived there was only one seal seen on the rocks. They ID'd big boy RH32 Kaale.  There were lots of people out on this beautiful day.

At another west side location they found RH76 Kala.  She was alone on seal inlet to the right. She was resting peacefully.

Their last find of the day was the very cute Mauna RQ24. He's a little one looking just fine, no new markers. They were happy to find him again after all the big waves and flooding.  He was still there when they returned from their Ka'ena West trek. There were no seals on their hike but they did see lots of whales.

whale calf
Rabbit Island

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