Monday, March 27, 2023

March 27 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:27 to 3:17 and there were three seals on island.
Mom and PO3 spent most of their time today in a tide pool behind the waterfront rocks by the 3BS area. Marilyn only saw a little bit of the kid. She saw Mom's female belly, right rear side scar and at least one red tag.
Among the waterfront rocks between 3BS and SRI was a Subadult Female: smaller subadult size, light greenish gray belly, and unsure about tags.
It appears the Sooty Terns are starting to leave the island.

Team R&B started at paradise cove and found folks on shore looking at the same spot. They asked if
something was going on and a woman said there had been three seals fighting but they left.
Team R&B knew exactly what that meant so they headed over to secrets. There they were fighting off the rocks coming into the beach. They hurried out on shore to get people back and put up some signs and called the hotline.
It was Kaale RH32, Lefty RG28 and Aukai RL12 heading in very fast. they landed on shore to the rocks..  Kaale was after Aukai and Lefty was close behind fighting with each other. Finally Aukai galumphed up on the rocks and Kaale followed, but Lefty was right up behind Kaale. And there was more fighting.
In the end, Kaale came to the left side and hauled up. Lefty won over Aukai, the poor girl.  I guess if there were more males competing for her this perhaps is how females are mobbed.
A volunteer arrived and put her signs up, so Team R&B removed their and left the site.

They headed over to another west side location they found RH76 Kala. She was alone snoozing at seal inlet.
At the beach park they watched a brown bird looking like a boobie cruising on the water. Beautiful sea bird.

While on the road they saw a lifeguard on his quad and there was seal on shore. They hurried over and were shocked to find RK36 Kauai Kolohe. They had never seen him at this spot in all the years they have been out on the beaches. It was very exciting to see him on their turf.

Rabbit Island
RL12 - RH32 - RG28

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