Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 14 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies is brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 9:15 to 12 noon and there were only two seals during that time.
Starting off in the dunes about 30 feet of the 3BS was an Adult Female: adult size, yellowish tan female belly and at least one red tag. She started moving down in the waterfront about 10 am. She was in the exact same place as RK37 was yesterday. Marilyn never saw the NB that would have confirmed it was her.
Among the rock flats near SRI was an Unknown Adult: adult size, very light ventral side and at least one red tag. Yesterday a seal in this same location was an A/M but Marilyn could not confirm its gender.

Team R&B arrived at kahe and found one seal on the rocks. They studied it for quite awhile but the seal never changed its position. They reported it as an Unknown Adult. 
A local character of the area was on a rampage today, bothering anyone who was around. The police were called in by a guy in the area. Not sure of the outcome, but you have to be careful out there.

Next seal they found was out at Makua Cliffs. The seal had a nice coat, but was hidden. They waited an hour but the seal never moved so this is another Unknown. Very rare we had a full day of unknowns.
Team R&B did get to enjoy watching the whales and dolphins, so not too bad after all.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Adult
Unknown Unknown

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