Wednesday, November 30, 2022

11/30/2022 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn was happy to be able to be back on the pier today. She viewed Rabbit Island from 1:30 to 2:45 and there were three seals on island today.
Behind the waterfront rocks near 3BS was  a seal with only a partial view. Marilyn reported this seal as an unknown unidentified U/U. When she checked back later the seal disappeared either going behind the rocks or may have snuck away into the water.
Together at SRI among the rock flats were two seals:
Unknown Adult: subadult to adult size, darker belly, unknown gender and not sure about tags.
Unknown Male: subadult to adult size, light male belly and not sure about tags.

Team R&B started their day with word of a seal at electric beach. The seal had just hauled up, and when they got to the area there was Nalu R3CX.  He was alone resting comfortably.  A friend had let them know he had been visited by a dog, and thankfully the dog left the area.

Next Team R&B got a call about two seals on shore.  Of course they headed over, but when they got there, they found three seals.
Kekoa Alii RK72, Kaale RH32 and Lefty RG28 were all on shore pretty close together. They called the hotline and waited.
The boys were arguing some, there were signs up so people would stay away. Then the argument got a little crazy and suddenly there was a fourth seal arriving.  It was Kalani RN14 hauling up and another argument started. Kekoa Alii had enough so he left heading in the Honolulu direction.
Now there were just three, Kaale, Lefty and Kalani on shore.
Team R&B called the hotline again.
They were just about to leave the site, but they see another seal coming in. It was Kekoa Alii RK72 coming back. This time he stayed.  Just then Melina arrived and so did a volunteer.
They hung out for a bit longer and then they called it a day.

Rabbit Island
Trio - RK72 - RH32 - RG28
Four Boys - RG28 - RH32- RK72 - RN14
only three RK72 left
But then RK72 returns

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