Sunday, November 13, 2022

11/13/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are mix of sightings from yesterday and today. We had mail from Marilyn, Gamma Gayle, posse pal Paul and Team R&B💕

Gayle sent word she saw Kaiwi RK96 and Nohea M26 on Saturday. It was a bit of challenge because of the on and off  weather. Nohea did not stay long, seemed like she was looking for a playmate. Kaiwi was not interested in playing or having her around.
Continuing with yesterday's news Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:15 to 3:25 and there were four seals on island on Saturday.
On LPB was an Adult Female: adult size about 70% molted with a clean dark female belly. 
Initially about 40 feet away was an Adult Male: adult size, old coat, brown male belly; unsure about tags. The A/M moved closer to the A/F and they ended up adjacent to each other.
Directly in front of the 1BS was a seal that Marilyn ID'd as RQ44 Mahina. She was weaner-juvenile size, tannish yellow female belly and three flipper tags.
About 1:30 Marilyn became aware of a small seal partially hidden behind the waterfront rocks down from the 3BS that I'm labeling as a Juvenile Male; juvenile size, older coat with a fair amount of green, two rear flipper tags. It appears the JM has started to molt on the upper chest.

In today's news I got a text message from Posse Pal Paul. He came across RB12 Sadie today and sent some photos. She was hauled out looking quite healthy.

Team R&B's first stop was to check in on RH32. He was at his spot and so were lots surfers due to
todays waves. They called the hotline to report him. He still got some molt on hind and fore flippers. He's almost done looks like 99%
They left Kaale and all was good, no one bothering him.  As they got to another spot and looked back there were people going up to him, hmmmmm that didn't take long.
They spotted a 2nd seal by the homeless camp area. They saw a volunteer setting up signs. They went to see who was there and it was Nalu R3CX.  Along with seeing Nalu they saw lots of dolphins. What a treat to see them in such a large group.
Kaale left the area about 10:30, so Team R&B went looking for him. They did not see him for the remainder of the day. 
They got to another spot and there were three seals on shore. RL12 Aukai was with RN14 Kalani to the left. High up on shore alone was Kekoa Alii RK72 snoozing and a volunteer was on site. 

Lastly they stopped at the bay and searched the area. Finally they found a dry seal alone on rocks,  They couldn't see any tags and of course the seal hardly moved. They were not able to make a positive ID so they reported the seal as an unknown unidentified.  Maybe NOAA can make the call, although Team R&B thought maybe RL20.

Sadie and Nohea
Rabbit Island
HELLO   Sadie
Kaale RH32
Nalu R3CX
Aukai RL12
Kekoa RK72
Kalani - Aukai and Kekoa

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