Monday, November 7, 2022

11/07/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:35 to 2:55 and there were two seals on island during her observation..
About 100 feet Lanikai side of the 1BS was what Marilyn believes to be RK24 Wawamalu/Bruno: subadult size, lighter male belly, scar on lower lip, scar on right rear side and two red tags.
About 50 feet Lanikai side of the 1BS was a Subadult Female: subadult size, light female belly possibly with some scars and no tags that were visible. This may be the same S/F she reported yesterday closer to the 3BS.

Team R&B were treated to two pods of dolphins at two different areas this morning. How fortunate to see one, but two is truly amazing.
They spent time looking all over for seals and were coming up empty. Trying one more time they finally spotted a seal on the rocks snoozing. There was big boy RG32 all on his own today. He is looking very green probably ready to molt soon.

Next they were thrilled to find Kekoa Alii RK72, which makes them wonder where does he go? Seems like he just shows up and now he is looking green. Another seal most likely ready to molt.

On their first visit to tracks there were no seals. Forty-five minutes later they happen to pan the area from afar and watched as Kaale RH32 was hauling up on shore. It didn't take long for people to pay him a visit. They watched for a bit and then went over to check on him. They were able to see he has begun his molt.

They were on their way home when they noticed black smoke from Waianae. As they made the turn they could see it was from the boat harbor and it was a big boat on fire.  Sad to see the boat burnt up it was the "Live Bait".

Rabbit Island
Kekoa Alii
RH32 Kaale

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