Sunday, November 6, 2022

11/06/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn checked the southeast quadrant site today and was rewarded. She found RK24 Wawamalu/Bruno on the rocks in a cove. She ID'd: subadult size, K24 tag, light male belly and scar on lower lip. He may also have a scar on the top of his head. 
She first saw him at 8:07 and he was still there when she stopped back at 9:48 am. Marilyn reported him to the hotline, and he had been reported earlier. Marilyn actually caught up with the gentleman who had called him in. The man had been in the cove to get photos of the sunrise when RK24 arrived. RK24 had barked a few times to let the man know that he didn't want him any where near he was trying to haul out. (good boy)

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:05 and there were two seals during her viewing session.
When she first arrived there was an Adult Male between the 3BS and SRI. A/M: adult size, newer coat. medium gray male belly and two red tags.
At 12:40 Marilyn became aware of a seal just behind the waterfront rocks between Middle Cliff and 3BS. This seal may have been there earlier and she just didn't see it. Adult Female: adult to subadult size, light female belly, newer coat and unsure about tags.
The pair of Masked Boobies were once again present at the windward ridge side of the island.

Team R&B had a fantastic start to begin with and it just got better.  They started at the bay and found two seals, RG32 and his girl RH76 Kala.  Suddenly RG32 lunged at something, another seal, so Team R&B waited to see who it was. Finally the mystery seal popped out and moved up higher near by RG32 and Kala.  There was Nalu R3CX, so great to see them altogether in one spot.

They watched from afar Kaale RH32 who has been at this spot for the last 5 day. He'll probably molt here. There were people arriving and setting up right by the seal. Team R&B considered heading ovcr, but it turns out volunteer appeared and put out signs.

Next they spotted a seal with lots of scratches and scars, at first they didn't know who they were looking at. Then the 3 year old cooperated and show his tag, there was RL08/09.

Team R&B took the hike out to Ka'ena West and spotted a seal on the rocks. It was RM31 Kai and as they were watching they saw another seal approaching. It was RG28 Lefty approaching at top speed to greet Kai. Seems Kai wasn't happy about it and let him know to get lost. Lefty took off about 30 seconds later.
They continued on their trek studying all the rocks, and ponds. Once again they saw a seal coming in fast galumphing over the rocks to a small pond. Sure enough it was Lefty, relocating after his little argument with RM31 Kai. So there he lay, alone resting peacefully.

On their way out they saw another seal snoozing on the rocks. So they pulled over to find RP30 Puka. 
Seems they had a special treat seeing the Ghost Buster Car, tis the season.

Rabbit Island
The Trio
RG28 approaching RM31
RG28 on his own
Guess someone called

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