Monday, November 14, 2022

11/14/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:30 and there were four seals on island today.
On LPB were two seals near each other, an Unknown Adult and an Adult Male. The U/A was adult size, older coat with some green, unsure about gender or tags.
A/M - large adult size, about 80% molted, a definite male belly, with a scar on the lower mid right size. There may be some scars on the left side. 
About 30 feet Makapuu side of the 3BS was a molting Unknown Juvenile. The dorsal side had an old coat with lots of green and two red tags. The ventral side is mostly molted so looks to be about 40% molted.
Alone at SRI was what Marilyn think was RK24: subadult size, light male belly, scar on lower lip, but she never got to see the rear flippers.

Team R&B did their regular check on Kaale but he wasn't there this morning, just his wallows and unfortunately some dog prints.
Then they spotted a seal coming in, ir was a big fat female; KG54 Huakai. She is large and looking beautiful. She struggled to get up on the rocks, took her sweet time and finally made it.
Added bonus was seeing the dolphins at play.

Next stop they found RH32 Kaale, finally moved to another location after 12 days.
He is looking quite handsome in his new coat, pretty much done molting except for a little bit on his butt.  They called the hotline to report.
Suddenly Kaale entered the water and headed west. They had a hunch where he might be going, so the waited and sure enough he hauled up on the beach where he had molted. There were some folks there that got excited to see him.

Team R&B got a call from a friend that there was a seal on the rocks at the bay. They headed over and found Kala RH76.   
Also they were thrilled to see their first humpback of the season.

On the road they spotted a big seal, so they went to check it out. There was Leia RL42!  She's looking healthy and fat.  Seems to be happening to all our females getting fat.... 2023 should be interesting.

Lastly they made the trek out to Kaena West. They found three seals and they were together.  The brothers RP30 and RM31 were there, then RG28 Lefty came in to join them and made trouble.  RM31 Kai is the seal on the outer edge to the right. Lefty was naughty and bugged poor Puka.  Puka didn't like it and moved away. Lefty dove into a small pond.

Rabbit Island
1st humpback for the season
trio - RP30 - RG28 - RM31

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