Team Billand arrived at KoOlina at 6 am to check on RH92 on Day 8. Upon arrival there were signs up and at this point appears to be about 48% into her molt. She was high up by the Naupaka bushes.
Team Billand sat out there from 6 am to almost 11 am. They were hoping for a volunteer or two to come by, but not today.
Team Billand had to leave in that the TMT protesting was taking place today and would for sure have an impact on their commute. There were flags, trucks motorcycles cars all lined up, all heading for Maili Beach. Team Billand made a U turn to avoid the traffic and went for some lunch.
They made a couple of quick stops but there were no other seal finds today.
After lunch they went back to check on RH92 at 3 pm. They were shocked that all the signs were nearly gone, signs and ropes were on the ground. People were swimming right by her, and no volunteer. Team Billand grabbed the signs and set up a new zone, along with a very thoughtful family.
Team Billand was told after they left RH92 went into the water for a swim and Security removed the zone. When they got a call the seal returned they put up a much smaller zone but all the signs were on the ground.
Team Billand called the hotline again to update them and asked if there would be a volunteer coming. There was no one scheduled. (too bad).
Team Billand stuck around for another hour and a half, educating the best they could. Finally at 4:30 when security came by Team Billand left for the day.
RH92 is further ahead in her molt than she was in the morning. Belly is clean, sides are clean but the back is still peeling. She is looking lovely and is about 60% done. Let's hope she finishes soon and can move on to a better location.

UAM (unknown adult male) about 30 feet Lanikai side of 1BS. Adult size, male belly and an older coat. Marilyn did not see any tags, but they might have just been out of view. She suspects it's the same UAM that was reported yesterday. She does not think it's RG32 in that the darker patch on the anterior ventral side was not visible.
Switching over to another species the Masked Booby Chick was accompanied by both parents today. (or at least two adult masked boobies). Marilyn doesn't think the chick has fledged yet. According to DLNR information they chicks fledge about five months after the eggs are laid and the adults continue to feed the chick for up to 6 months after the chick fledges. (wow talk about the difference between species). There is a Red-Tailed Tropic Bird in the air above the masked boobies in the second photo.
not a good sign 😏
Rabbit Island Unknown Adult Male
three Boobies and a Red Tail Tropic
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