Saturday, September 14, 2019

September 14, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Marilyn and I went out together today and had a fantastic 6 seals day

We started with RH32 "Ka'ale" molt ~90%  When we came back several hours later he was still there near the waterline

At the point while checking some pools Marilyn asked me if there was a seal in one of the pools or was it a rock. It was definitely a white bellie. We went to check thinking we were going to see RL20 "Kalua" but it turned out to be our little weaner female visitor from Molokai RL70 tags L70/71 bleach L14. She's adorable and like all weaners already has her little black scar on the under lip. She never moved from her spot and was still there on our way out.
On the Runway we saw RO40 "Ka'ena"

On our way back we stopped to re check on RL70 and I notice that white I may have seen earlier and thought was a rock turned out to be a white male bellie. We found a NEW kid on the block an Unknown Juvenile Male. Possibly from Ni'ihau or Molokai. Documentation was shared with NOAA they'll let us know if he has already been IDed or not. Kid had good identification marks.
While we were documenting he woke up and swam away towards the point, passing right under "Ka'ena's" muzzle and they didn't notice each others presence.

On our way back we found RR70 "RIP" and RK40 "Napua" at BB/Tables.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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