OH and some BIG News.... Right Spot R016 gave birth sometime late last night or early morning on the island of Molokai! YEA Right Spot and thank you for not birthing at Sandy's or some other populated Oahu Beach.
Team Billand arrived at KoOlina before 6 am for Day 16 with RH92 Nalani. She was all the way up to the right side this morning sleeping near the Naupaka. Her tags were showing and she moved down to the water to cool off.
Nalani looks like she is gaining some weight, slowly. She is very alert when folks run in the zone or too close to her, even when people are talking loud.
Volunteer Melina arrived just after 9 am, removed the cones that had been set up and put up some signs. Team Billand spent more time talking with the folks they have come to know over the last 16 days. They left at 10ish to check out other locations.
At another westside location Team Billand found RH48 Lei Ola snoozing on the rocks and waves were washing over her. Once again Team Billand see a light line coming from the left corner of her mouth.
They "might" have seen a dark hook with a trailing line. All and
all she seems okay, not stressing or thrashing. Team Billand submitted a written report yesterday and today to NOAA.
Truth be told she is not in a good spot to dehook her, and there is a good chance she would toss the line herself.
Melody was on the North Shore this morning and came across four seals on three different beaches.
Her first sind was Nanea RL44 alone at her undisclosed location. Volunteer on site said she had just hauled out from a long swim with Kaimana (who moved to another close by beach). Melody was also told that Kaimana is 100% molted looking all shiny and new.
Melody walked down to another beach, but Melody did not find Kaimana, but did find Makoa RL36, surrounded by signs. Melody looked up and down the coast line and saw more signs so she walked down and she found Squinty R330 laying in the shallows, just chilling out. Melody only stayed for a few minutes and ran into volunteer Natalie, so they both headed back to "relo" beach.

At one point Kaimana started nudging Nanea in the butt which resulted in Nanea giving her stink ryr and flipper slapped at her. Shortly after Nanea was ready to go out for a swim, so the two headed out and started to play. Melody left once they got back into the water.
She walked back past the other two beaches and stood for a few and watched as Makoa was still hanging out at the beach. Squinty was at the water's edge and he headed back into the water, made a right turn and heading in the direction of the "girls".
Melody called it a day around 1 pm.
RH92 Nalani
Kawena RH36
Lei Ola RH48
Makoa RL36
Nanea and Kaimana
Squinty R330
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