Team Billand went to check on RH92 at KoOlina day 10 of her molt. They arrived at 5:45 am and found RH92 up by the Naupaka Bush snoozing in peace. She appears to be 99% done with her molt this morning and very likely it will be 100% by days end.
RH92 galumphed down to waters edge, as usual sneezing so loudly everyone who was there laughed. Team Billand met up with Miss Marice from Australia again, and she was so happy to see RH92 is nearly done with molting during her visit. Team Billand also had the pleasure of meeting two dogs being pushed around in a stroller named Yoda and Bruce.
Team Billand can see molt on RH92's right fore flipper, her hind flippers and a small dot on her snout. Other than that is pretty much pau.
During the past 10 days with RH92 Team Billand noted they met some really special people, folks from all over the world. Personally that is what makes being out there half the fun, AND how can you not love Team Billand and their spirit, dedication to our beloved monk seals.
Team Billand had to leave by 8:30 am, there was a nice crowd of folks watching out for RH92. The newly created monk seal posse hard at work :-)
Team T&D are on the Big Island for a little vacation. They headed out early morning checking a couple of areas but did not find any seals. So they put plan b into place and went to visit Ke Kai Ola.
Tammy made some AWESOME cookies for the Ke Kai Ola crew.
They have four seals from the NWHI all girls. The seals were going to get their names from a cultural practitioner later today. After catching up with some of the staff, they were asked to go to the observation room. Team T&D got to see a tube feeding with one of the seals. This was Tammy's first time seeing this, and of course no pictures are allowed, so this is a memory that will be imprinted in their minds.
Team T&D knew the staff was busy so they headed out, and will check back later in the week.
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