Team Billand found RG28 at a west side location. He appeared he just hauled up on the rocks, very alert, moaning a bit. His body condition is good, no new markers seen. There was a "human character" close by yelling weird stuff. Team Billand thought it best not to stay for their safety and RG28 "Lefty's", as they didn't want to draw attention to him.
Just before noon Team Billand found RH92 Nalani sleeping on shore near a construction site. Yes you read that right. There was yellow tape that seem to be bothering her, she was moving, flipping over as the tape touched her flapping in the wind. RH92 Nalani started to move and now the tape was underneath her.
Team Billand called Officier Kearns of NOAA who is often in the area, and expressed their concerns that the yellow tape might be an entanglement issue. He informed NOAA Piro Team and volunteer group.
Marilyn hiked to Ka'ena Point via the westside today after meeting up briefly with Team Billand. Marilyn found no seals at Makua Cliffs or on the west side hike. But she did see Lesley doing outreach to a group of youth who were apparently doing a 5 mile hike to get a scout badge. They got Monk Seal 101 from Lesley while viewing RO40 Ka'ena on back beach.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:30 - 3:30 pm today. There was only one critter out there today.
UA (unknown adult) on waterfront rocks at SRI. Marilyn did see two tags when the seal flexed its read flippers before the camera was set up ( I hate when that happens). The seal is an adult size with an older coat. There was not much else to go on, in that the seal stayed in the came position for the entire time she was there.
RG28 "Lefty"
RH92 Nalani - REALLY? of all the places to haul out
Lesley in her glory - talking monk seals surrounded by kids
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