Saturday, September 7, 2019

September 7, 2019 (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

The girls and I headed out to do our Saturday monitoring and of course some catching up.
We started off by checking on RH32 "Ka'ale". He was alone and still doesn't seem to have started his molt.

The high light of today was finding little RL20 "Kalua" at the point. He's has a few new dings but is looking great and strong. 

Some hikers show Marilyn & I videos of 2 seals playing in the outer pool at the point. They were easy to ID as RO40 "Ka'ena" and RL20 "Kalua".
Their comment was "the big one wanted to rest and the little one kept bugging him to come on lets play"

On our way out we spotted RO40 "Ka'ena" in his pool.

Before wrapping up our morning we re checked on RH32 "Ka'ale" he had moved further along the beach and was in a deep sleep.   More tomorrow ğŸŒº

 He's got a lawn growing on him.

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