Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

An early solo start - I tried to get out before the weather changed. I was half way out when I saw the squall much closer than I expected. I made it to the point soaking wet, It stopped and I dried up nearly as fast. It cooled off the air and made hiking so much more pleasant.

RR70 "RIP" was my first find @ 10Mnts Beach - he was still there when I came back out hours later.

In the NARS RO40 Ka'ena" was hauled out up high on Back Beach. He made his way down to the waterline while Marilyn and I did outreach with different groups. He made his way to the water and left. We followed him to his pool where he hauled into.
Marilyn had hiked in from the Waianae side we split from there to hike out separate ways.

Back on this side I checked the beaches and found RK40 "Napua" and RH32 "Ka'ale" - As usual while she tries to rest he butt-heads her and follows her around. Today he even tried to nurse on her. She's a brave one and moves away fast from him. 
This is going on between uncle and niece !!   More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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