Friday, September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019 (part 3) Yesterday's News

Here’s my follow up for my Thursday visit to see the seals on the North Shore.

I arrived early about 8:30 and trekked in.  At Nanea’s relocation beach a volunteer was on site.  He indicated that Nanea and Makoa were down at another Cove nearby and Kaimana was at yet another cove down the way.  The shore was spotted with seals from east to west 😊  So, I walked down to see Nanea and Makos, but they had already left the area – bummer!  
So, I decided to go see if Kaimana was still around and sure enough when I got there she was having some swim time in the water.  She was picking up everything she could find just like a weaner – she was even feasting on “weaner food” those nasty old sea cucumbers.  She swam around for a while so I decided to take a hike back up to Nanea’s beach.  When I got up there, she was swimming around and headed over to where Mr. Squinty was and they played in the water.  After a long while, Squinty must have saw Kaimana leave (we just got word she left her cove) so he ditched Nanea in the water.  With that, she went over to her beach and hauled out and snoozed for a couple of hours.  
As I was watching her – two seals came into the cove – Squinty and Kaimana.  Kaimana first approached Nanea as she was sleeping and was so careful about being quiet.  She waited for Nanea to wake up.  Even Squinty was a gentlemen this time and he just laid next to Nanea while she slept.  The 3 of them looked so cute together I hated to leave, but I was out of water and ready to pass out.  Luckily, I got a nice golf cart ride back to my car.  Kudos to Mark Spivey from Connecticut for the ride back – it was very welcomed for sure!

Rocky stopped by again tonight.  She only stayed for about 45 minutes, but it did give me a th full moon.  I was surprised she didn’t stay the night, but when she headed out she stopped in the cove and looked like she was foraging – then she made a right-hand turn around the jetty and headed towards Honolulu/Waikiki.  I wonder where she’s off to next? 
chance to ID her and talk to a few people on the beach waiting for the Friday the 13

 Kaimana and Nanea
 Squinty and Nanea 
 Friday 13th full harvest moon

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