In the yesterday's news department posse pal Vicki had a four seal day on Wednesday. First there was RL36 Makoa by himself snoozing.
Squinty R330 and Nanea RL44 were on the same beach but pretty much help to them. Squinty did quite a bit of scratching, rolling back n'forth on his back. Vicki didn't say for sure, but it sounds like molting behavior to me. ;-)
Then Holokai was on his own, snoozing but looking very handsome. Thank you Vicki for sharing.

It gets better, Tammy gets a tag shot and there it is, RK26 Manu'iwa, now the list is complete :-)
She hauled out with 20 minutes before Team T&D had to leave for the airport.
Let's just say Team T&D are convinced the "seal Whisperer" had a hand in all their sightings.
Also as a note: the untagged female seal they saw yesterday is an unknown and confirmed to be a new seal to the area. WOW!
Once again I am going to just paste Tammy's words, rather than paraphrase:
"I would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Big Island volunteer (who reads the blog) who I spent many hours with and who I became friends with. Although I have been seeing your seals for many years, this is the first time I learned about them. You shared your stories about them, their personalities, and your observations. I truly appreciate all that you shared. Sharing is the best way to help this endangered species not only survive but also thrive." (and thank you from the blog lady too).
There was a zone already up when they got there. Visitors were already arriving and close to the ropes. As usual they spent time educating many folks, as well as calling the hotline and left a message.
At 8:30 am volunteer arrived and Team Billand updated them on her new cookie wound, and that she might be ready to leave soon. At 9ish they were watching her and she had that "look" she was going. Volunteer ran for the signs and small ropes and Team Billand kept an eye on her.
Nalani RH92 was making her way to mid beach, so they kept the folks back, volunteer brought some signs, Rob got the ropes and Security came to help them out.
And here comes RH92 Nalani, looking very cute with her nice new coat. She hauled in and plowed her snout into the sand, tossed the sand so it landed on her back. The folks watching got the biggest kick out of this. Nalani RH92 has become a sweetheart to many of the residents from KoOlina who look forward to her antics.
All is good, zone is up, volunteer there to watch over, spectators are respectful, but most importantly everyone worked together in harmony.
Team Billand checked out the usual spots, and it was at Campbells where they spotted a seal in the water. The seal was foraging, looks to be an adult, nice coat, cookie scar on mid back. They watched for an hour, but could not get an ID, so it was reported as an U/U.
Manu'iwa RK26 Big Island
RH92 Nalani
UU foraging at Campbells
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