Team Billand arrived at KoOlina at 6:15 this morning and there was RH92 day 11. They quickly put up ropes and signs as people were starting to arrive. She is 100% molted looking lovely, a little thinner but good and alert.
She scurried down to the waters edge, and they spotted their new
friend Marice across the lagoon looking. They met halfway and caught up on RH92 progress. It's clear that there is a new posse pal on board.
A second seal came in fast and it was RN14 Kalani. Team Billand had told Marice about him and was hoping he would show up. Unfortunately some dude entered the water making a lot of noise splashing and Kalani took off to the other side and then left the site.
At 9 am volunteer Melina arrived, Team Billand hung around until 9:30 then left for the day.
A nice way to end their day with RH92 after meeting so many wonderful people especially making a new BFF with Marice from Australia. Fingers crossed RH92 will stick around for one more day.
Team Billand checked a couple of West side locations and found RG28. He was in a water hole and being covered by the waves now and then. He looks just fine and comfortable.

In the yesterday's news department, posse pal Vicki was out and about. She found Kaimana RJ58, who looks to be starting her molt. She will be looking all shiny and new soon.
A little further down an adult male arrived, Vicki best guess is Squinty but not sure. So we will say an unknown adult male, who looks like he may molt soon.
Then to make the day even better Vicki spotted Makoa RL36 snoozing near Nanea RL44. Makoa ended up taking off heading west. Nanea went in the water for a quick swim and then went back to sleep.
RN14 Kalani
Lei Ola RH48
Uknown Adult Male (squinty?)
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