Though I arrived at Makai Pier at 0800, it was 1236 before I saw a critter. It was looking like this was going to be another zero day, but thankfully somebody showed up. Somebody is what it will have to remain. This was a probable adult sized male, with 2 red tags, and some algae build up, but he never gave me anything to work with. It could be a coupla’ different possibles, but I’ll wait for tomorrow to see what I can see.

At 0618 Team Billand called with the report of Nihoa (R912) on her 5th day at Maili Guard Rails.
At 0730 they found Pohaku (RO28)&Benny (RE74) once again at Campbell Industrial Park.

Tammy T., braved the Ka’ena Point trek, and her repayment for that above & beyond trek ?........Zero !!! All was not lost however, on the way home she found Ka’ale & a 99% molted BG (R303) at separate location, Mokuleia.
Karen Turner shots of Lei Ola (RH48) from her day at Turtle Bay, arrived at 1632. Thank you Karen... Ya’ Done Good !!
pohaku and benny
looks like their having a conversation
oh she's looking good with her new coat
Love these close up shots of these beautiful innocent faces
Lei Ola
oh boy got myself a sea cucumber
yup got me some grub
guess i'm lucky it didn't explode on my face