Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:10 to 2:00 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.  
Initially out on the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB was weaner RT19: weaner size and coloration, two red tags, light male belly. He later moved toward LPB and up behind some waterfront rocks.
Almost directly down from 1BS was an Adult Female: smaller adult size, older coat, two red tags and a gray-green female belly usually covered with sand.
Initially between 3BS and SRI were two seals on the waterline. They were:
Unknown Adult: adult size, older coat, at least one red tag and sand covered belly.
RL08: large adult size, multiple pit scars, at least one red tag and applied N18 bleach.  RL08 chased the UA by RS12 and on over to the SRI inlet. They had some vocalization but then settled down to snooze.
RS12 Hoku was near the SRI. Marilyn would have guessed her to be a sub-adult until she saw her applied N3 applied bleach. So larger juvenile size, greenish gray female belly and two red tags.

Tammy met up with Lesley and went out to the point on this gorgeous day. There weren't a lot of people or seals. Their first find was RL74 Kami, who looks to be half way through her molt.
When they got to the point the dolphins were putting on a show which is always enjoyable.  
At the point they saw Squinty R330 who still has his sat tag and camera mount.  
Their last find was RG32 alone on the rocks.

Team R&B started their day at the bay where they were happy to find two seals. There was RG28 Lefty with RH76 Kala resting together on the rocks.  They seem to be doing just fine together, who knows maybe Lefty will be next years baby daddy.

Next they found another two seals at Kahe. Both seals were on the rocks but apart from each other. There was RM31 Kai and R617.
Seems there was someone below them and the seals seemed to be aware of this. They kept popping their heads up every couple of minutes looking.  Team R&B couldn't see the person, but knew from the seals reactions they were there.

Rabbit Island

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