Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:10 om and there were five seals seen during that time.
Initially near other on the Lanikai side of LPB on waterfront rocks were three seals:
Weaner RT19: weaner size and coloration, two red tags and light male belly.
Adult Female: adult size, new coat, not sure about sex or tags.
Unknown Adult: adult size, older coat, not sure about sex or tags.
The UA appeared to run RT19 and the AF into the water, but they later returned. Then they entered the water again and returned once again.
Near SRI were two seals:
Sub-adult Female: sub-adult size, older coat, brown female belly with some green and two red tags.
RL08 (Bam Bam Square Pants): adult size, older coat with lots of green, darker male belly and at least one red tag. He has scars on left shoulder and right and left rear, applied N18 bleach which is difficult to see because of his older coat.

Team R&B first find today was at Kahe. When they got to the area
they were thrilled to see two seals on the rocks. On the left end was Kai RM31 just resting and to the right of him was R617. He is always a challenge to ID, but with persistence and patience they did.

Checking out things at the bay they were more than happy to see another two seals. Seem Mr. Lefty RG28 found Miss Kala RH76. They were laying together peacefully while Team R&B were there watching over them.

Rabbit Island
RG28 & RH76

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