Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:25 to 3:15 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
Alone in the middle of LPB was R416 Makali'i: sub-adult to adult size, older coat, mottled ventral, pit scar above LFF. 
A group of three seals were on the 1BS of LPB:
Weaner RT19: weaner size and shape, two red tags, light male ventral.
Sub-adult Female: subadult to large juvenile size, new coat, very light female belly and two red tags.
RP24 Mohala: subadult size, new coat, two red tags and nb on LFF.
The SF and RP24 entered the water about 2:05 pm. RT19 entered the water about 2:20 pm. At about 2:30, the SF hauled out again and moved up to the berm.
Then about 3:05 pm, three seals hauled out of the water near the 1BS, this included RT90 Manapua, RP24 and RT19.

Tammy met up with Lesley and they went out to the point today. They had a five seal day. Their first find was RL74 Kami resting on shore. She is looking gorgeous with her new coat. 
Next find was overload cuteness of two weaners RT98 and RT06 snuggled up next to each other.
Then they came across BG R303, she was in the water resting alone.
Their last find was Mr. Squinty R330.

Team R&B started at the bay where they found Miss Kala RH76. She was alone all the way up, well hidden and snoozing peacefully.
While onsite they spotted an adult green seal by the wall off to the right swimming near by. The green seal came around and they ID'd Kaale RH32, he's baaaaack! They watched as he hauled in, he knew just where to find Kala, popped out of the water and galumphed on the rocks. He then did the biggest snort to get her attention, she heard and saw him and turned on her side. She was not impressed.
She took off right on the sand patch when Kaale made advances, he followed her. They both settled in and just laid there together.

Next stop was at Yoks where they spotted a little seal onshore. There were a few folks on site when they went to check. The seal is very green and ready to molt soon, cc scar on its neck and tags. They ID'd RP28/P29, the young male from Kauai. 
People were rushing over to see the seal, Team R&B did their best to keep people from getting too close. Telling them to keep their distance and let the seal rest. One woman just didn't listen and went up to the seal, that is when Team R&B lost it and walked up to her making it clear to keep away and give the seal space. 
RP28 left, and Team R&B stayed and watched. Before the seal got back into the water he threw up about three times, bright yellow bile. Then they watched as he hauled up again to the right. Once he got up on shore, the people did the same thing gathering around him. 
The lifeguard had arrived and Team R&B flagged him down. They explained the situation and he got one signe with yellow tape. Team R&B headed out after that, they were frustrated with the tourist who don't respect the wild life.

Rabbit Island
RT98 & RT06
RH76 & RH32

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