Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:20 to 2:50 pm and there were four seals seen during that time.
RP24 Mohala started out up in the dunes near 1BS. She was ID'd by her sub-adult size, new coat and nb on her LFF. She moved down to the waterline, but seemed daunted by the steep berm. She then galumphed over to the 1BS side of LPB and partially hidden behind the berm.
Almost completely hidden by the berm was what turned out to be RT19: weaner size, shape and coloration.
While viewing RP24 and RT19. Marilyn spotted a seal in the shallow waters off the LPB-1BS.
At about 2:30 pm, first RP24 and later RT19 moved down the berm and ultimately into the water where they joined what Marilyn believed to be RT90 Manapua. She lost sight of them all.
Alone about 30 feet Makapuu of 3BS was a Sub-adult Female: large juvenile to sub-adult size, new coat, tow red tags and light female belly. The SF started on the beach, then moved up into the dunes and later moved back down to the waterline.

Team R&B's first find was at Pokai. Miss Kala RH76 remains high up in a grassy spot. They think she may have started her molt. Looks like little patches, one on her neck and some under her chin.
While in the area they were thrilled to see the dolphins jumping, slapping the water, just having a great time. There were no boats out today, probably due to weather. They did note one of the dolphins had a large cc bite.

Next they headed over to the cliffs. They spotted a large turtle
onshore, unfortunately there was a couple of people who thought getting up close and personal was okay.
Team R&B did find Mr. Kai RM31 at the same spot as the other day. He was alone just resting with all this windy weather.
Then something you don't see everyday..... a couple of goats in the mountains. 

They went back to check on Kala. When they got there a male had joined her. The male has a scar over his eye which makes them think this is RG32. He was a gentleman and didn't pester Kala, seems he got the message she isn't in the mood.

Rabbit Island
Turtle & fans

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