Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Team R&B's first stop today was at the bay, where there were no seals to be found. There were lots of people out and about. They witnessed one boat with lots of people, then a kayak, and a dolphin jumping up in the air just as one woman got in the water. Amazing!
They also noted lots and lots of waxbills out and about in the area. 

Next they checked out Kahe where there was one seal. It was Mr. Kai RM31 alone and snoozing the day away.  They also saw more dolphins.

As they were passing Makaha, they saw lots of people out and then notices the orange flags and two seals. So of course they pulled over to check it out. There was the lovely Miss Leia RL42 and RN04 Kainoa.  People were not keeping their distance. The lifeguard thanked Team R&B for coming by, since they had called it in early morning.  Team R&B explained they were driving by and noticed and unfortunately didn't have any signs. The lifeguard had put up the red flags since that is all they had to work with.  Team R&B did the best they could and the lifeguard appreciated it.

dolphin putting on a show
RL42 and RN04

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