Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:36 am to 1:33 pm and there were four seals seen during that time.
Initially together near the waterline on the Lanikai side of LPB were the two weaners RT19 and RT90 Manapua, and juvenile female RS12 Hoku. They entered the water at 11:40 am.
At 11:59 am, RS12 Hoku hauled out near the 1BS and near RP24. RS12 was ID'd by her juvenile size, older coat, tan female belly with some green, two red tags and applied N3 bleach on her dorsal side.
At 12:33 pm Marilyn thinks it was RT19 hauled out near where the three seals had entered the water
earlier. He moved toward the cliff at the back of the beach. RT19 was weaner size and coloration with two red tags.
Meanwhile RP24 Mohala continued to stay near the 1BS and appeared to be about 60% molted. When she's in the right orientation you can see her nb on the tip of her LFF. She is a sub-adult size and has two red tags. She seemed a bit perturbed about the presence of RS12 and appeared to vocalize several times.

Team R&B were out all day looking around for seals. Finally they found two together at pokai.  They were able to easily ID RH76 Kala. The male that was with her took them a while longer.
Finally there was some action in that Kala gave the male a good round house kick. She would move up and away, they male got excited and turned to woo her. That is when they recognized the scar over his right eye and they were able to ID RG32.

The only other sightings was a very obedient dog with a life vest on. Owner told the dog to stay and it obeyed. 
They also got to see the dolphins doing what they do best!

Rabbit Island
RH76 & RG32

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