Sunday, August 4, 2024

August 4, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:26 to 2:43 om and there were ultimately four seals seen during that time.
Initially alone on LPB was weaner RT19 (PO8). He was ID'd by his weaner size and coloration and light male belly and two red tags.
At 1:34 pm, Marilyn realized that RT19 was at the waterline playing with the larger weaner RT90 Manapua.  They played for almost an hour before hauling out separately to go into snooze mode. There is a substantial size difference between the two weaners.
Marilyn was happy to see RT90 since he hadn't been seen for several viewing sessions.
Between 3BS and SRI were two seals not far from each other.
They are labeled Adult Female 1 and Adult Female 2:
AF1 is adult size, newer coat, gray female belly and two red tags.
AF2 is smaller adult size, older coat with lots of green, brown female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B arrived at the bay and checked out the area. There was nothing but the homeless camps. There were trees that have been destroyed, rubbish floating in, its just a shame. They were about to leave the area when a woman approached them to say she saw a seal in the water.
They went to check and sure enough they spotted a green seal coming into the area. There were five surfers riding the big waves having a great time. Team R&B spoke to a few of the surfers so they were aware of the seals, and they were cool.
The seal was RH76 Kala looking thin and green. Then someone came around and sat on the rocks below. They pointed out Kala to him, but he didn't care just stayed there.
Finally Kala hauled up at the send garden, went right to sleep. Even though she was snoozing she was aware of the guy that was sitting there. Eventually he left, thank goodness.

At another west side location they found good ol' Lefty RG28. He was alone resting on lower rocks. His cc scars and green/white flipper was visible for a positive ID.

Last but not least they found RM31 Kai at Kahe, He was alone resting on high rocks. Waves were getting bigger and surrounding the area, but he just slept through it. 
Two fishers came by and were respectable. RM31 remained on the rocks even when the folks were returning back to their camps.

Rabbit Island

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