Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

They had started their day at the bay and did a thorough search coming up empty. They went back to the end and still nothing. Then they went further down and Taa.... Daa.... there was Miss Kala RH76. She was way up in the rocks snoozing.
They took some photos and headed out. When they were leaving they looked back and saw Kala flip flopping on the rocks as if she was scared or reacting to something. They hurried back and noted how fast she could move on the rocks. By the time they reached her spot she made her way down. Team R&B did not see anything, no humans, dogs, or other seals. RH76 settled in, so they headed out.
Later in the day they did check back and there were four people in the spot where she was, she was gone. 

Next they got to Kahe area and saw snorkelers being taken out of the water by lifeguards on jet skis, then the lifeguards got the divers out. There was a shark warning for the area. Even the tour boats were warned not to go because there were tiger sharks seen in the waters.
Team R&B spotted a large seal, with a clean coat swimming towards them. It passed by and kept going, they could only see it was adult size and managed to snap two photos.
The dolphins flew by heading in the KoOlina direction. This made Team R&B wonder if there were more than two sharks out there.

Last stop was at the cliffs. Upon arriving they saw there were large poles at the spot where RM31 has been for the last couple of days.  One of the guys told them there had been a seal there in the morning. So Team R&B walked all the way down and climbed down (exhausting and I am sure dangerous) and there there were no seals seen.
That didn't stop them, they walked further and there was the pay day. They spotted from afar a green seal resting away from the crowd of people in the area. It was RM31 Kai, who appears to be in his pre-molt stage. Thankfully he found a vacant spot to rest.


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