Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:05 to 2:37 pm. Initially there were no seals seen, and Marilyn though she might be skunked.
Thankfully at 1:21 pm an Adult Female hauled out on the 1BS side of LPB: adult size, grayish green female ventral, two red tags, and noticeable line scar on lower right lip. (the scar doesn't show well in the photos)
At 1:35 pm, weaner RT19 hauled out on the Lanikai side of LPB and went into snooze mode.
Today was a good day to keep an eye on the Masked Booby chick. The chick has now molted into his fledging/juvenile plumage. Marilyn did see it exercising its wings, although she has not seen it take flight yet.

Team R&B also had another slow day. Their first find was at the bay, where there was one seal. It was RL20 Kalua looking plump and green. Looks like he's getting ready to molt soon.

Their only other find was at the cliffs where there was another very green seal. It was in a crevice in the rocks snoozing. They were able to ID Miss RL42 Leia.  The waves were getting to her, she didn't seem to mind just continued to snore the day away.

Rabbit Island

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