Saturday, November 11, 2023

November 11, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Before heading to the pier Marilyn checked out the southeast hot spots.  After checking a few areas she stopped at the blowhole. Just about 9:10 she noticed a seal hauling out on the rocks in the cove on the sandy beach side of the parking lot.  The seal was an Adult Male: adult size, old coat with lots of green and no visible tags. There were some scars on the right rear side, tow parallel line scars and some in the front of the rear flippers. After looking at all the photos Marilyn thinks this could be RG32.

Marilyn did view Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:15 and there were two seals during that time.
About 50 feet Makapuu of 3BS were two seals:
Adult Female: smaller adult size, new coat, light to medium gray female belly and unsure about tags.
A short distance from the AF towards SRI was a Sub-adult Female: subadult size, newer coat, light tan female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B had a frustrating morning in that they saw an Unknown Adult in the bay, large and clean coat. Taking photos from afar didn't help with an ID and the seal didn't land.  
After the xmas parade they went back and still no seals. But this time the boys who jump into the waters told them a seal just left and they missed them.  

Next stop they found RH32 Kaale. He was in the same spot he's been all week molting. His molt is about 90% complete.  To his left was Nalu R3CX who already has a nice new clean coat.
An added bonus was the dolphins were back in force. A huge pod of dolphins!

At Kahe they were happy to find Opihi RQ42 in the same spot as yesterday. He was alone just resting
and looking ever so sweet.  There were no hooks or lines and they couldn't tell if there was a scar. 
Then people arrived and were just walking right by him, he was well aware of them. One woman realized the seal was there and began screaming. Then they all gathered to get all their photos.
Once Team R&B saw them getting down on their knees to get closer, they called out to them to move back and give the seal space.  One guy gestured to them either motioning he couldn't hear or that they were crazy. Once again Team R&B called out telling them to give the seal space, thankfully they left.

Lastly they found the handsome four year old RL08 enjoying a siesta on the rocks. Its been a while since he's been on the west side.

Adult Male (RG32 ??)
Rabbit Island

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