Sunday, November 19, 2023

November 19, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 1:45 and there were four seals on island during that time.
Between 1BS and 2BS there were two seals:
Adult Male: adult size, newer coat, dark male belly and two red tags.
Nearby was a Subadult Male: smaller subadult size, light tan male belly and two red tags.
Both of the seals moved down to the waterfront rocks.
There were two seals out on RRB:
Female Weaner: weaner size, older coat, light yellow female belly and two red tags. Marilyn didn't realize she was there for the first hour in that she thought it was another rock, but checking photos she was there all along. 
Adult Female: adult size, newer coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B arrived at tracks to find five seals! They were: RL20 who is about 5% molted, R3CX Nalu, R604, RP30 who hasn't been seen in a while and RL08.
All five seals started to move about, it was the males trying to get to R604. She wasn't having any of it from any of them.
Initially they thought the smaller seal was RQ42 but it turned out to be RP30 Puka who they hadn't seen in a ehile. He's back home looking good.
After the interactions and squabbling RL08, RL20 and RP30 left
heading west.  Team R&B followed along only to see them haul out again down by the homeless camp.  A crowd gathered to watch, everyone was excited to see the trio.
After someone made a really loud noise RP30 took off, followed by RL08 and Rl20.
Meanwhile, Kaale RH32 hauled in to join R604, and R3CX. Then to their surprise RL20 returned to the spot where he had been earlier. Team R&B hung around for a couple hours hoping the other two seals would return, but they did not, so they headed out.
The hotline was called and updated.

Heading out they discovered the bridge was closed, so they went all the way around Makaha Valley and down Kili Drive to get to Yoks.  Now that's dedication!
When they arrived there were two seals.
First discovered RG28 Lefty who is molting. The fur on his butt and neck area and then he should be pau. 
Secondly they found RP30's brother RM31 Kai on shore to the right.  
That was their day and what a day it was!

Rabbit Island
R604 & RP30
RL08 & RP30

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