Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 14, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island  from 11:55 to 1:25 and there were either five or six seals during that time. 
When she started viewing there were three seals in a close group near 1BS:
Subadult Male: smaller sub-adult size, newer coat, light gray male belly and two red tags.
Adult Female: adult size, slightly older coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.
Unknown Adult 1: smaller adult size, dark coat, never viewed belly or tags.
This trio moved around and nosed each other a lot.  At 12:15 Marilyn realized they had all left the beach and entered the water.
Meanwhile there were two seals near SRI:
Juvenile Female: juvenile size, light yellow female belly and two red tags.
RG32: adult size, old coat with lots of green, no tags that could be seen and a scar above his right eye. At 12:33 Marilyn noticed he was gone.

Team R&B searched around quite a bit and finally they found their first seal of their day. RL20 Kalua was alone on the rocks and resting peacefully.
The real highlight of the day were the dolphins. They were jumping, spinning and just having a great time in surf and high winds. Team R&B had a hard time keeping their hats on and staying steady on their feet.

They checked all the other stops coming up empty. They went back to check on RL20 and found RL08.
He had arrived and was napping very soundly, probably tired from filling his belly.

Rabbit Island

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