Friday, November 24, 2023

November 24, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:15 to 2:55 and there were three seals during that time.
Initially, Adult Male 1 was the only seal on island when she arrived. He was almost directly down from 1BS.  AM1: adult size, old coat, brown male belly, unsure about tags. This could be RG32 but could not confirm.
About 1:18 Marilyn became aware of two seals in the water between 1BS and 2BS. Then R606 hauled out with Adult Male 2. He soon re-entered the water and went down to AM1. 
R606: sub-adult size, newer coat with light male belly, no tags and NB on tip of RFF. He moved up the beach and went into snooze mode.
Adult Male 2: adult size, newer coat, medium gray male belly and two red tags. He had hauled out to AM1 but there was no interaction.
Marilyn was surprised to find that the Sooty Terns had landed. They all landed in the Makapuu side of the 2BS.  (Marilyn still working on the sightings from Thanksgiving Day)

Tammy took some friends from out of town to hike Ka'ena Point today. It was a great day to see the huge west and north swell the point. She noted lots of Albatross are showing up now. They only found one seal with the surf covering most of the haul out spots. They found R416 Makalii

Team R&B got started a little later than usual. They arrived at tracks and found three seals with people close by. They did their best to keep people back, but doesn't always work. They called the hotline. One dude walked up to the three seals to get a close up, after being asked to keep back.
One kid was yelling at R3CX for a while and Nalu got agitated. Team R&B asked him to back away, with his mother right there doing nothing. Well Nalu left the site.
RL20 is nearly done with his molt, he was also visited by the dude with the camera. RL20 turned and galumphed up to the vines.
Team R&B sent photos to the hotline so they could see the drama unfolding. 
To make matters worse someone up on the hill threw an apple at Kaale RH32. He was not happy, barked and flipped around to bite, then sniffed the apple.  This is so sad people can not be respectful.
Then about 11 am R3CX Nalu cautiously came back to the area.  A volunteer arrived around 11:20. Team R&B updated the volunteer and then left.

Lastly they headed over to yoks, they noticed a group of folks looking at something for a bit and then left. Team R&B thought they were looking at the waves but when they went to look they discovered a seal was swimming off. That area was closed off due to the large surf. They could not make an ID and  reported it as an Unknown Adult.
They saw a large metal object being tossed around in the water by the large waves. They also saw a car frame on the hill at Ka'ena west.

Rabbit Island
big surf
Unknown Adult

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