Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 21, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from noon to 1:30 and there were five seals on island during that time.
A short distance of the 1BS was Adult Male 1 : adult size, old coat, brown male belly, unsure about tags. In some photos Marilyn noted a scar above the right eye which would suggest this is RG32, but she isn't sure to make a positive ID.
Between 1BS and 2BS was Unknown Adult 1 : small adult size, newer coat, two red tags and possibly male belly.
On the rock flats between SRI and RRB were two seals:
Unknown Adult 2: adult size, newer coat, light ventral side (probably female) and unsure about tags.
Adult Male 2: adult size, newer coat, light gray male belly and two red tags.
Alone on RRB was a Female Weaner: weaner size, older coat, light yellow female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B started their day checking in at tracks. Initially there were two seals, RL08 and RL20. Then big guy RH32 Kaale came hauling in on shore with the other two.
RL20 Kalua is about 20% molting
Way to the left of the parking lot was R604 surrounded by adoring fans taking their close ups.  Team R&B called the hotline.

Next stop was at the bay where they found Kala RH76. She was alone and seemed on edge. She quickly moved to the pond like she was about to leave.

Lastly they took the drive out to yoks with the bridge opened in both directions.
They found RG28 Lefty is close to completing his molt. He was not alone, there were some kids playing football on the beach and ended up tossing it right by him. The ball flew over Lefty who was aware and barked at it.  The two kids stood by while dad watched from afar laughing.  The sister ran behind Lefty grabbed the ball, which Lefty reacted and barked at her. 
The folks left and RG28 layed there looking to his right and left checking the beach.

Rabbit Island
RL20 molting
Trio - RH32 - RL08 - RL20

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