Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 05, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:35 to 1:30 and again there were six seals during that time.
Alone on LPB was a Female Weaner: weaner size, older coat, yellow female belly with some green and two red tags. 
Between Middle Cliff and 3BS were three seals spaced about 30-40 feet from each other. They were:
Adult Male 1: adult size, new coat medium to dark gray male belly, unsure about tags.
Juvenile Female: juvenile, new coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.
Then there was Adult Male 2: adult size, new coat, light to medium gray male belly, unsure about tags.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Subadult Male: subadult size, newer coat, light gray male belly and two red tags. This seal appears to be too small to be RK24.
At 11:59 Marilyn became aware of a seal on the rock flats between SRI and Right Rear Beach.  The seal was probably there earlier but well hidden behind the waterfront rocks. Marilyn reported the seal as an Unknown Juvenile: larger juvenile to small subadult size, light yellow belly, possibly male and unsure about tags.

Team R&B started their day as usual at the the bay. It took them a while to see the seal, but eventually they did. There was RH76 Kala at the waterfront rocks. She was alone snoozing peacefully.

At another west side location they initially found no seals. They had spent time studying the area and
then they got a glimpse of a seal in the water coming closer. The seal had a clean coat and red tags.
Surprised to see Kai RM31 and where he chose to haul out.  He came in the cove looked around with the waves shoving him about. Up he went with the surges and stayed put. This is the spot where Pohaku haul up.  

From afar they saw Kaale RH32 on shore. Team R&B confirmed he has begun his molt on his chest area.  No sooner did they spot him, some kids on kayaks were nearby as well as a fisher. Seem Kaale didn't want to be around them so he left.
At Kahe, once again they found one seal. There was RG32 in his spot alone just chilling despite the strong winds.
At the cove, in an area that Team R&B walked by at least three times and never saw a seal. Well they made one last look and ta daaaa there was RQ42 Opihi. Lets just say he  has a gift to thrill Tea, R&B to no end. He is about 50% molted from what they could see, but in the end they were just sooo happy to see him.

Rabbit Island

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