Monday, November 20, 2023

November 20, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B 💕

They headed out to see if the five seals were still around today. Not five but three seals were out there, and called the hotline.
Nalu R3CX was close up by the greenery. Kaale RH32 looked like he had just arrived and RL20 Kalua was near Kaale. Looks like RL20 is about 105 into his molt.
They stayed for about three hours with the seals.

While onsite they saw a seal from afar ( far away).  They made it to the area and there was a male seal. He was very green and didn't see any tags. They believe this is R407. They noted on his face area, if he had a bite mark or if he was motling, it was just too hard to get a good shot from that angle.

Lastly the headed out to yoks to see if Lefty was still out there. RG28
Lefty was there and is about 95% molted. His signature left bleached flipper was very visible.
The waves were pounding, surfers were out getting some awesome rides in the wind and rain.
Then they were surprised by a pod of dolphins passing by.

RH32 & RL20

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