Tuesday, November 7, 2023

November 07, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find was the lovely and chubby Miss Kala RH76. She was alone on the rocks snoozing away.
They had heard that she had been harassed by some ...... idiots. Someone threw one of the signs in a big hole, but Team R&B couldn't get it out.  They waited a bit and a gentleman with two dogs was able to help get the signs out.  Moral of the story, there are good people out there despite the idiots.

At another west side location they were shocked to find R407 Kawika on lower rocks. It took them sometime to get an ID but they spotted the scar on his head, his funny left eye and the puja on his lower back with two line.  He's looking green and is a pretty cool dude.
To the right was a busy RM31 Kai. He was making sure his spot was secure. He kept looking around, but there didn't seem to be anything around. He is a cutie with his facial expressions.
They noted there was a big ship, maybe a battleship out on the horizon.

Lastly they stopped at tracks. RH32 Kaale was already on shore by the time they made it out there.  His molt is moving along fast. He is sporting the "ninja" look and fur just falling off.


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