Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November 15, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island for a short time today and there were three seals during that time.
Between 3BS and SRI were two seals:
RG32: adult size, old coat with lots of green, dark male belly and no apparent tags.
Subadult Male: subadult size, newer coat, light tan male belly and two red tags.
Out on RRB was a Female Weaner: weaner or juvenile size, older coat, could not see belly or tags.

Team R&B's first find today was RL08. He was just one big male alone on the rocks.

Their next stop was at the bay. There they found a chubby RH48 Lei Ola, alone and snoozing.
The dolphins were out once again.

While watching RL08 they spotted from afar another seal hauling up on shore.  Then they saw another seal hidden in the vines. They hurried over to look and there were three seals.
R3CX Nalu was way up shore in the vines.
RL20 Kalua was the seal hauling up on shore.
They discovered RH32 Kaale was also up on shore.
Nalu made his way to see RL20, but stopped and went to sleep.  Kaale greeted RL20 with some sniffs then headed to the waterline and went to sleep.  Looks like RL20 is next to molt.  Team R&B called the hotline.

Rabbit Island
R3CX - RL20 - RH32

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